Second Grade Math Course
Course Overview
In Waldorf Education, we strive to bring our lessons out of stories and other imaginative sources. In these thirty-six lessons we will derive math activities and written work from the stories that are presented in the Second Grade Storytelling Course. Unlike the Language Arts Course, the Math Course does not utilize the artwork as much. Instead this course will demonstrate over and over the ways that we can bring mathematical activities for the students to practice working with math patterns in ways that are connected to the stories they have heard and imagined. That connection of the activities and the written work to something they have lived into gives the lessons more meaning and more enjoyability.
The ability to count forward and backward by 6's, 7's, 8's, 9's, and 12's is important to master by the end of second grade. Likewise, it is important that the year-end second grader has memorized the 1's, 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 10's, and 11's multiplication tables up to the first twelve multiples and that they can provide those multiples in random order when asked. Moreover, it is important to practice these as division tables as well. For example the year-end second grader should be equally comfortable saying from memory that 45 divided by 5 is 9 as they are saying from memory that 5 times 9 is 45.
With these in place, as well as the additional memorization of the 6's, 7's, 8's, 9's, and 12's multiplication tables by the end of third grade, the student will be in the optimal position to understand the fractional math of fourth grade and beyond, including decimals, percentages, and ratios that will come in fifth and sixth grades.
Fractions are expressed and calculated so differently from the previous math work that, without these tables being memorized, the difficulty of learning the new fraction processes and expressions is compounded by the lack of having the factors and multiples available as needed for smooth and fluent calculations.
So, along with these lessons, you will receive math tips and tricks specific to second grade so that you will have things to help with the practice of skills outside of main lessons.
What you will learn:
How to use simple imaginations from stories, or other sources of your choice, to derive math lessons that will engage students with more interest and meaningfulness
How to use "process characters" to engage students in a fun and imaginative way, encouraging them to understand the different activities of the four mathematical processes
How to relate the four processes to one another so that the child can see the mathematical activity in different ways
How to work with patterns to reinforce their sense of order in the world and how that order is expressed in numbers
How to use manipulative tools (such as glass beads or objects from nature) to aid in calculations.
How to incorporate groupings of ten's to build a thorough understanding of place values (one's, ten's, and hundred's)
How to incorporate groupings of ten's to build a working comprehension of addition with and without carrying
How to incorporate groupings of ten's to build a working comprehension of subtraction with and without borrowing
What you will receive:
36 Video Math Lessons--complete math lessons (derived from the 36 stories presented in 2nd Grade Storytelling).
Explanations for how to adjust these lessons to the abilities of the students
A complete list of Second Grade Math Goals from Simply Waldorf
A complete Second Grade Year Block Rotation--this can be used as a guideline or simply as an example. It will help you understand how the math and language arts blocks fit together over the course of a school year.
Additional resources, video and PDF articles, to deepen your understanding of the course and of Waldorf education
What you will need:
Block crayons
Colored Pencils
At least 100 small objects, such as glass beads or pebbles for counting and using in problems
At least ten small bags or similar container, each able to hold ten of the small counting objects
Drawing paper
Who is this course for:
​This course is for homeschool parent-educators as well as teachers in a more traditional setting--or anyone anywhere in between.
Courses also purchased:
Course Content
Start Here
How to Use These Videos
What is a Course in Simply Waldorf?
Main Lesson and the Main Lesson Block
A Second Grade Block Rotation
Setting Up Your Classroom
Second Grade Math Introduction and Overview
Second Grade Math Materials, Advice and Considerations
Second Grade Math Goals
2nd Grade Math: Lesson Block TWO (4 weeks)
Lesson One: Fox and Weasel Math Lesson
Lesson Two: Hare and Tortoise Math Lesson
Lesson Three: Servant and Lion
Lesson Four: Donkey's Burdens
Lesson Five: Donkey's Burdens Pt.2
Lesson Six: The Astronomer
Lesson Seven: Two Roosters
Lesson Eight: Rooster, Donkey, and Lion
2nd Grade Math: Lesson Block FOUR (4 weeks)
Lesson Nine: Fox and Grapes
Lesson Ten: Vengeful Farmer
Lesson Eleven: The War-Horse
Lesson Twelve: Foolish Shepherd
Lesson Thirteen: Donkey in Lion's Skin
Lesson Fourteen: Goose That Laid Golden Eggs
Lesson Fifteen: The Milkmaid
Lesson Sixteen: Fox and Crow
2nd Grade Math: Lesson Block SIX (4 weeks)
Lesson Seventeen: Peacock and Juno
Lesson Eighteen: Olive Tree and Fig Tree
Lesson Nineteen: George and the Dragon
Lesson Twenty: Jerome and Brother Lion
Lesson Twenty-One: Francis Falls in Love
Lesson Twenty-Two: Francis Talks to Animals
Lesson Twenty-Three: Roses for Sister Clare
Lesson Twenty-Four: Martin's Cloak
2nd Grade Math: Lesson Block EIGHT (4 weeks)
Lesson Twenty-Five: Martin and the Robbers
Lesson Twenty-Six: Martin's Monastery
Lesson Twenty-Seven: Elizabeth's Roses Pt 1
Lesson Twenty-Eight: Elizabeth's Roses Pt 2
Lesson Twenty-Nine: Odilia's Light
Lesson Thirty: Agnes Walks Through Fire
Lesson Thirty-One: Brigid's Journey
Lesson Thirty-Two: Veronica's Cloth
2nd Grade Math: Lesson Block TEN (2 weeks)
Lesson Thirty-Three: Emma's Most Precious Possession
Lesson Thirty-Four: Emma's Most Precious Possession Pt 2
Lesson Thirty-Five: The Giant, Christopher
Lesson Thirty-Six: Benedict's Spring
Additional Resources
Waldorf Education Articles
Intermediate Waldorf Education Videos
Thank You Message
Waldorf Math Course
Second Grade
This course, of 36 total lessons, will derive 2nd grade math activities and written work from stories and other imaginative sources. You are on your way to simple, easy to use lessons. Once you purchase the course you will have access to all of the videos and can begin your Waldorf journey now!