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Third Grade Painting Course

Simple, easy to follow painting lessons!

Course Overview

In third grade, watercolor painting takes a step toward clearer forms, more advanced compositions, animal forms, and more use of the human form and human faces.  We continue the color process from earlier grades in order to establish color "washes" for our background and to set up the basic composition.  From there we create the actual compositions.  Therefore, control of the medium becomes even more important in third grade.  It is a balance of managing the colors and the forms along with the wetness-to-dryness of the paper.  It is an ongoing practice.


This course provides thirty-six start-to-finish paintings, one for each week of a 36-week school year.  These are designed to correlate to the lesson blocks being taught during the third grade year.  Most come from the stories presented in the storytelling course, as listed in the included document "Third Grade Blocks, Stories, and Paintings".  Some are created for the Food, Clothing, and Shelter Blocks.  There are also four additional paintings to correspond to the seasons.  These Bonus Paintings could be substituted instead of that painting for that week or used in addition to the painting for the week.


There are also lessons for the teacher to understand how to review paintings.  There are a few techniques we can employ in looking back at what we (teachers and students) have created together.  Often, the student needs help learning ways to review their work that will be aimed at positivity, creativity, and contentment with our best efforts.  Particularly with the arts, it can be easy for the child to begin a habit of self-criticism and negativity unless we actively engage them in creating a more positive and supportive soul habit.

What you will learn:

  • How to work with the materials: wet paper, watercolors, brush, painting rag/sponge

  • How to guide paintings from beginning to end by either using the 36 lessons provided in this course, or by taking those lessons as examples and creating your own 

  • How support the creative process so that children feel joyful and at ease rather than stressed and/or disappointed

  • How to review artwork in ways that support openness and imagination rather than judgment and critique, thus fostering a child's sense of self and accomplishment in a positive way. 

  • To understand that the way we teach any subject, even watercolor painting, can support the third grader in ways far beyond the activity of painting, because you will begin to see this process on a deeper level

What you will receive:

  • A thorough materials list (provided below)

  • A video preview of the materials listed

  • A course introduction and overview

  • Primer lessons to understand and practice the wet-on-wet watercolor techniques

  • 36 painting lessons that guide you from start to finish for 36 paintings

  • Lessons for how to look back at and review paintings

  • Additional videos that delve into fundamental pedagogical topics

  • Additional articles that explore various pedagogical considerations

What you will need:

  • Materials:

    • Pigments

    • Painting Board

    • Watercolor Paper

    • Paint Brush

    • Painting Rag

    • Water Container

    • (optional) A container for soaking the paper.  (I have sometimes used the bath tub instead.)

  • A well-lit area for painting

Who is this course for:

​This course is for homeschool parent-educators as well as teachers in a more traditional setting--or anyone anywhere in between.

Courses also purchased:

Course Content

Start Here

Third Grade Painting: Introduction and Overview

Materials Needed for Painting

Primer Lessons for Watercolor Painting

How to Review Paintings with Students


Lesson Block One

Lesson 1: Sun, Moon, and Stars

Lesson 2: Bird's Nest

Lesson 3: Sea Creatures

Lesson 4: Land Animals and Human Beings

Lesson Block Two

Lesson 5: The Serpent and the Fruit

Lesson 6: Cain and Abel

Lesson 7: Noah's Ark

Lesson 8: Tower of Babel

Lesson Block Three

Lesson 9: Carrots

Lesson 10: Foods We Grow

Lesson 11: Jacob's Sheep
Lesson 12: Coat of Many Colors

Lesson Block Four

Lesson 13: Joseph in Egypt

Lesson 14: Moses in a Basket

Lesson 15: The Burning Bush

Lesson 16: Snake

Lesson Block Five

Lesson 17: Parting the Red Sea

Lesson 18: The Ten Commandments

Lesson 19: Shelter--Desert Tent

Lesson 20: Clothing--Shawls

Lesson Block Six

Lesson 21: Gideon Chops the Tree

Lesson 22: Samson and the Jawbone

Lesson 23: Blind Samson

Lesson 24: Ruth

Lesson Block Seven

Lesson 25: Samuel Hears a Voice

Lesson 26: Songs of David

Lesson 27: Hero of the People

Lesson 28: Saul Spared Again

Lesson Block Eight

Lesson 29: Ambitious Absolom

Lesson 30: Cedars of Lebanon

Lesson 31: Faithless Solomon

Lesson 32: Revived by Elijah

Lesson Block Nine

Lesson 33: Elijah's Altar

Lesson 34: Jonah and the Great Fish

Lesson 35: The Fiery Furnace

Lesson 36: Daniel and the Lions

Bonus Lessons

Bonus Lesson: Autumn

Bonus Lesson: Jack-o-lantern

Bonus Lesson: Snowy Conifer

Bonus Lesson: Spring Blossoms


Additional Resources

Pedagogical Videos

Pedagogical Articles

Appreciation Message


Waldorf Third Grade Painting Course Overview

Waldorf Painting Course

Third Grade

This course is composed of 36 3rd grade painting lessons that take you from start to finish for each of the 36 paintings. You are on your way to simple, easy to use lessons. Once you purchase the course you will have access to all of the videos and can begin your Waldorf journey now!


Waldorf 3rd Grade Painting Course
Rev Bowen Waldorf Educator_edited.jpg

Meet Our Course Creator

Rev Bowen, also co-founder of Simply Waldorf, is a seasoned Waldorf grades teacher. 

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